France, musketeers, vampires, and faeries populate her stories. And if she followed the adage ‘write what ou know’, all her stories would have snow in them. Fortunately she steps beyond her comfort zone and writes about countries she has never visited and creatures she has never seen.
The proud creator of the BEWITCHING THE DARK, WICKED GAMES, OF ANGELS AND DEMONS, CHANGELINGS, THE NETWORK, THE SAINT-SYLVESTRES, and THIS WITCHERY series, Michele continues to amaze release after release.
This Wicked Magic, THIS WITCHERY Book #2
Author: Michele Hauf
His destined mate
Certainly Jones has pushed it too far this time. Gnawing and clawing at his soul are the demons he unknowingly carried back from his quest into their land. Weak and exhausted, the dark witch gazes down the dim, cobbled street at his only hope—a lone vehicle with blazing headlights. Desperate, he makes a mad dash for the light, and the striking woman illuminated in its wake.
Vika senses him before she sees him. The good witch with emerald eyes and fiery red hair has never dabbled in dark magic. But one look at CJ turns her life upside down. Soon Vika is lured into his dangerous world and his powerful arms. A few sultry kisses are not enough to save CJ from his demons—it's going to take some seriously potent sorcery. And they're running out of time.
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:
*ARC received from the Author in exchange for an honest review
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:
I love Michele Hauf! I love her stories, her worlds, her characters, the subtle and not-so-subtle differences that she brings to Paranormal Romance... it's fascinating and wonderful.
I've been drawn to the Jones's since they were introduced some time back. What's not to love? They're Dark witches and they have fascinating names. :) When Thoroughly's story (and part of Certainly's) was unveiled in This Glamorous Evil I was instantly smitten and clamoring for Certainly's full story. Then Michele teased me yet again by bringing CJ into the short story in the Holiday with a Vampire anthology and I was even more anxious to get his story. Now that I've read it, Michele definitely delivered and I am thrilled.
This Wicked Magic was dark, thrilling, sexy as sin and utterly fabulous.
Let's start by discussing these incredible characters...
Certainly Jones is a Dark witch (because someone has to practice the dark magicks and keep the balance!) who spent a good chunk of time in Daemonia, the realm of all demons. Unfortunately, after his brother helped to free him and he returned, he came with some extras - a cadre of demons sharing space with his soul - thus making it necessary for him to stay in the light or risk being overtaken. He's damaged and vulnerable, yet optimistic. He's technically a Dark witch, but he has an innate goodness that is impossible to miss. Like the rest of us he has made some stupid decisions and mistakes, sometimes for the silliest of reasons, but had the greatest good in mind above and beyond it all. And... he gives these incredible Titles to everything and it made me smile every time he popped out with a new one.
Vika is a powerful Light witch with an interesting 'talent' and an even more interesting job. She attracts detached and roaming spirits and they stick to her soul. As a paranormal cleaner (getting rid of any supernatural evidence before the mortals can see), she's constantly attracting these souls and ferrying around extras until she can be cleaned. Vika is a conundrum and I love her! She's this clean freak who secretly wishes for a bit of disorder. She's an incredibly powerful Light witch and yet craves a bit of darkness. She's sensual, smart, and strong. She's CJ's exact opposite, but like they say... opposites attract.
The chemistry between these two was explosive and yet unbelievably sweet. You wish that you had someone in your life who could be so utterly understanding and end up loving you so very unconditionally despite (or in spite of) everything.
The story was rife with twists and turns, mystery and surprises, had some wonderfully stable and engaging supporting characters, and ultimately pulled me in and along with little effort.
Michele states in her intro that this is her most Goth and Gothic book to date and I for one am completely hooked! Her writing was absolutely beautiful. She used words like "poison" and "Alchemy" to turn normal sentences into something darkly profound. I was enchanted.
LITERAL ADDICTION gives This Wicked Magic 4 1/2 Skulls and would definitely recommend it to all Michele Hauf fans & PNR lovers who don't like their love stories super fluffy. I do suggest that you read This Glamorous Evil and the short story in the Holiday antho before you take on This Wicked Magic though. You'll be happy that you did and both tales are amazing in their own right.
This Wicked Magic
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